School Total: 25,057,029

Fitness Challenge

Welcome to the Fitness Challenge developed by Mr. Nicalek, with the help of CPWD and Design & Visual, as part of a PE/Wellness initiative to make sure our community keeps moving. The goal of the “competition” is to have all students from each shop and grade level as well as Faculty & Staff, compete in a Step Challenge.

Individuals will track their steps through the use of a Fitness App, Fitbit and/or Smart Watch every day of the week starting on Friday, March 12th. At the end of the day, take a screenshot of your step counter or picture of your Fitbit and upload the information into the Google Form (shown below). You will input the number of steps each day and that data will be uploaded to a Tracker on the school’s website for individual students by grade and shop. Faculty & Staff participation can be seen by clicking on the “No Shop” tab.

50% of the Students in each Shop Week must participate in order to be eligible for the reward at the end of the year

The Challenge will be 11 Weeks for A Week (10th & 12th) and 12 Weeks for B Week (9th & 11th). There will be weekly individual awards and cumulative shop awards at the end of their respective time frame.

    Shop Rewards:
  • A Week - May 28th
  • B Week - June 4th

Faculty and staff will also be able to participate for individual awards

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James Clark

Infrastructure, Web Design

Wyatt Allaby

Web Design, Data Manager

Eric Edwards

Data Manager

Mylena Bovo

Logo Designer